Devlog 0.3

Hi this is DevLog 0.3,

Currently developing l0 Barcelona 3D enviorment searching for 3D assets and models that can fit my game I found this free asset of a NY train in the UE assetStore Link: TrainAssetNY.

The problem I am developing a game that is inspired in Barcelona metro so I decided to keep this asset but tweak it to look alike train/metro barcelona. I started changing the posters, and signs lenguage and adapt it to Barcelona type chaged materials added a panner outside the train to seem like is moving. The next problem was performance so I changed the lighting disabled shadow cast, lumen and nanite. Also made new assets for the number of the wagon ur inside. Also optimize with LOD'S and MipMaps.

The last thing was changing collisions to simple and redoing the collisions to consume less and also reduce some meshes that had high poly count and reduce UE drawcalls.

Thanks for Reading.

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